Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Times The Charm

So here I am playing basketball and I roll my ankle. I am stuck in a boot on my left foot. One week later I am back playing and am the only sub. Five of our girls are gone to whatever. I roll my ankle again and am in the boot till it stops hurting. Grandpa thinks I tore my ligament... again. This is the third time I've been in this boot and let me tell ya, it is not fun. But the good news is that we still took first and got trophies. Bad news is I can't play basketball or soccer till it stops hurting. Sports suck sometimes.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


So Matthew and Carson are the only ones who fights around here not counting me because i fight with everyone. Bored to death. Read all the twilight books about 3 times and still need to see the movie 1 more time. Mad at Obama have no idea why. Couple of kids in this world I just want to punch in the mouth. Bored so i'm going to tourture someone.


So here i am at basketball practice and i try to catch a bad pass and my pinky hits the ball and if it hurts on monday we are going to get x rays because we think i broke it. My team entered a 7th grade tournament lost to the best 7th grade pocatello team by 1 point. Beat 2 other teams and then lost one if we had kiept winning we would have had 5 games that day. Doing ok really bored mom won't make dumplings for chinese lunch and that's the only thing i'll eat shes being lazy and i'll even help her. Me and my bro fell asleep in church today came back and slept till 6, yelled at brent he wouldn't leave me alone doing chinese fashion show really bored read all my books need something exciting to happen

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


so we took first in a basket ball tournament and second in a nother one and have to do therpy and have to wear2 ankle braces and 1 knee brace and have to get a 128 dollar xray and have to get contacts and doing fine get straight a's and going to snowboard a bit and daddy i want a sidekick with unlimited texting so love you all

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

YAY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i did dare and won the class contest out of 72 there was only three winners and i was one of them and i had to read my essay in front of everyone and it was so embarressing and i thought i was going to die and lov u all

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hey everybody!!!!

So i haven't written for a while and in basketball we are playing boys and win most of the time:) miss you all and don't have much to say and got straight A's and so bored right now mom is throwing a BYU football party and bored out of my mind and going to baby-sit for Chet and haven't fought with my bro for like a month!!!!!!!!!! He actually lets me use his laptop and thats pretty much it

Friday, October 3, 2008

HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Won my soccer championship in Jackson Hole Team we played against in the semi finals cheated and put two of their squads together and bet us 3-2. Coach talked to the officials and they said that for our other squad a few others get to go to championship to so I got to go on the championship team and at the end of the game we were tied so we had two 5 min. halves and we were still tied so we did pks and were tied at the end of them so we went one more round and Kaylee made it and we won!!!! She's the best golly ever!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh ya at the end we only had two goals and guess who made one of them yours truly!!!!!!!!!! And Sarah made the other one.